23/33 Growing BPM Business in Emerging Markets (India)


In India, thanks to educational efforts to encourage home BP monitoring, OMRON's brand recognition has improved and the BPM market is growing. Against this backdrop, BPMs are to be designated as medical devices covered by India's Drugs and Cosmetics Act through a revision to the Act from January 2021. OMRON will capitalize on its extensive expertise in securing device approvals around the world to respond swiftly to this change. This will allow OMRON to expand sales and market share ahead of our competitors. OMRON has long focused on educational activities to encourage home BP monitoring in India, where the increase in hypertension patients has become a social issue. OMRON has enhanced its education activities targeted at the Hypertension Society of India. Specifically, we have held OMRON Academy events, an educational program on home BP monitoring for doctors in 12 locations in 2019. We also held BP measurement events for the general public in 10 cities. In addition, we have expanded our online channel and advised the government in its efforts to include BPMs as designated medical devices. Through such initiatives, OMRON's sales have grown steadily. We aim to accelerate the growth of the BPM business in India by continuing with proactive initiatives.