31st Fiscal Period (2020/10) Results
■31st fiscal period (2020/10) management highlights and future initiatives
31st fiscal period (2020/10) management highlights and future initiatives
Impact, etc. of COVID-19
DPU history
Portfolio appraisal profit and NAV per unit
■31st fiscal period (2020/10) results, 32nd fiscal period (2021/4) earning forecasts and 33rd fiscal period (2021/10) earning forecasts
Outline of 31st fiscal period (2020/10) financial results
32nd (2021/4) and 33rd (2021/10) fiscal periods earnings forecasts
■Portfolio overview
Portfolio growth and changes in the number of properties
Portfolio diversification
■External growth
Outline of the asset reshuffle in 31st fiscal period (2020/10)
Property acquired and sold in and after the 31st fiscal period (2020/10)
Track record of asset reshuffle in and after 21st fiscal period (2015/10)
■Internal growth
Changes in occupancy and turnover ratio for office buildings
Trends in move-ins/outs and rent changes upon tenant turnover for office buildings
Status of rent revisions with existing tenants
Rent gap of KDO office buildings
Construction expense (actual/budget)
Leasing status of properties expected to be low occupancy
View on changes in office needs
Initiatives for diversifying office needs
End-tenants of KDO office buildings
Efforts of ESG
■Financial strategy
Status of debt financing
Historical changes in LTV and status of interest-bearing debt financing
■Future initiatives