■Q1 FY2020 Results
- Operating Income Analysis (Y/Y)
- Sales by Business Segment
- IAB Sales Growth by Region
- Operating Income by Business Segment
■FY2020 Plan
- FY2020 Plan: Assumptions
- Business Outlook by Segment: Q2 and beyond
- FY2020 Plan
- FY2020 Plan: Operating Income Analysis (Y/Y)
- Sales Forecasts by Business Segment
- IAB: Expected Quarterly Sales Trend by Region
- HCB: Online Channel Sales Growth
- Operating Income by Business Segment
- Full-year Dividend Guidance
■Preparing for Post-COVID-19
▽Post-COVID-19: Emerging Social Issues(Changes in Manufacturing)
- Post-COVID-19: Emerging Social Issues
- New Labor-saving Needs
- Automating Delicate Processes Only Possible for Human Hands
- One Software: Leveraging Aggregated Data to Enable Simulations
▽Post-COVID-19: Emerging Social Issues(Changes in Medicine)
- OMRON Strengths: Focusing on Post-COVID-19 Opportunities
- Remote Medicine Service Business Model
- Global Expansion of ECG Devices: Accelerating Remote Medicine
▽Post-COVID-19: Emerging Social Issues(Changes in Society and Services)
- Station Services: Migrate to Remote, Reduce Labor Intensity
■In Conclusion
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